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Dungannon Primary School

Primary 4 PMcK

Welcome to Mrs McKane's Primary Four Class!






Numeracy - September - December 2023

Mathematics & Numeracy – During Term 1  


Count forwards and backwards in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s within 999. 

Recognise spoken numbers within 999. 

Read and write numbers within 999. 

Write numbers within 999. 

Know number “after” “before” “between” within 999. 

Find missing numbers in a sequence (increasing and decreasing) within 999. 

Revise odd/even numbers up to 100 

Understand concept of fractions (halves and quarters) through practical activities. 

Extend understanding to include wider range of fractions, using both whole shapes and sets of objects. 

Understand fraction notation (numerator and denominator). 

Mentally add/subtract 10 to any number, answers within 100, using and explaining number patterns  

Mentally add/subtract a multiple of 10 to a multiple of 10, answers within 100, using and explaining number patterns. 

 Mentally add/subtract a multiple of 10 to any number, answers within 100, using and explaining number patterns.  

Add/ subtract a multiple of 10 to any number using a 100 grid and explain the number pattern. 

Continue to use knowledge of place value to develop a practical method for vertical addition of TU (with exchange) 


Estimate and measure using the kilogram as a standard unit. 

Revise days of the week and months of the year. 

Revise o’clock, ½ past and ¼ past the hour. 

Begin to consider a.m. and p.m.  

Shape and Space 

Revise 2D shape names and their properties 

Understand and use term “right- angle” to describe corners in 2D shapes. Identify right-angles in the environment, using a right-angle tester. 

Recognise and use mathematical names for 3D shapes 

Recognise and describe an increasing range of 3D shapes, to include pyramid, prisms. 

Understand and use “clockwise”, “anticlockwise” to describe direction of turn. 

Understand and use “quarter turn”, ¾ turn.  

Understand and use “left”, “right” to describe direction of turn. 

Mental Maths 

Revise counting in steps of 1, 2, 5 & 10 from a given number within 100, extending to 200.  

Know all single digit addition and subtraction facts with quick recall.  

Begin to develop quick recall of multiplication and division facts for 2,5,10  

Literacy - September - December 2023

Language & Literacy – During Term 1  


Talking & Listening 

  • Listen to and follow instructions accurately. 
  • Speak clearly and audibly with confidence to a range of audiences. 


Reading (At appropriately differentiated levels) 

Engage in guided and shared reading sessions using both fiction & non-fiction texts. 

Participate in Accelerated Reading daily in class 

Develop our literal reading comprehension skills. 


Writing (At appropriately differentiated levels)  


Sentence Construction & Punctuation: 

Grammatical Awareness: 

Investigate the use of question marks, exclamation marks, commas and speech marks in reading and writing. 

To extend their knowledge of nouns both common and proper. 

Use the term “verb” correctly. 

Use verb tenses with increasing accuracy in speaking & writing: see/saw, go/went etc. 


Sentence Construction and Punctuation 

Revise the need to demarcate the end of a sentence with a full stop and the start of a new one with a capital/ uppercase letter. 

Develop independent sentence writing. 

Use commas to separate items in a list. 

Develop an awareness of speech marks and begin to use them in their own writing. 


Phonics & Spelling [building on & extending P3 work]: 

Revise the fact that two letters can represent one sound [e.g. sh, ch, th, ng, ck, wh, qu] 

Know that the same phoneme (sound) can be represented in more than one way e.g. go, grow, float, note. 


Vocabulary word level  

Know that the spellings of verbs alter when ing  and ed are  added 

Know and understand what a prefix is and how they influence word meanings 

Recognise and spell common prefixes, e.g. un-, de-, dis-, re-, pre- 

Use the dictionary and have a secure understanding of how it is organised. 

Use the thesaurus to generate synonyms. 

Become more aware of the vocabulary for concluding dialogue e.g said replied, asked 



Revise the correct formation of all lower and uppercase letters. 

Begin to use the four basic handwriting joins. 



Write short descriptions of known places 

Write passages of dialogue 

Write simple playscripts 

Invent calligrams and shape poems.  

Paired work to gather and collect ideas for writing. 

Make a simple record of information from texts read. 

Write a simple non chronological report. 

World Around Us - September - December 2023

World Around Us 

This term our topic is ‘The Great Fire of London’ 

  • Locate London on a map. 
  • Compare and contrast London in 1666 and now. 
  • Sequence the events of the Great Fire of London 
  • Place events on a timeline 
  • Find out about Samuel Pepys 
  • Compare and contrast Firefighters then and now 
  • Find out about the past through artefacts and objects from the past 
  • Investigate what a fire needs to burn. 
  • Make our own fire extinguisher 
  • Investigate how materials change through heat in science activities.  
  • Explore Fire Safety in the home. 
  • Have an opportunity to make bun, breads and desserts found in a bakery during our cookery afternoon sessions.  
  • STEM challenge design and build a strong bridge. 
  • Design and technology – design and make a moving fire engine out of junk materials.  

Contact Details

Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE

T: 028 8772 2250


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