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Dungannon Primary School
ETI May 2024: In Dungannon Primary School the children learn successfully and happily within a multi-cultural, inclusive, enriching environment where everyone is valued and respected. The school is an ambassador of diversity and is an excellent example of how difference is celebrated as an enabler of success, with no limitations.
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Welcome to Mrs Clayton's and Miss Wilson's LSC Class.




Numeracy - January - February 2025


• Compare two objects of different length and weight.
• Understand and use the language of comparison, for example, longer/shorter,
• Order three objects of different length and weight. Talk about the ordering using
appropriate language.
• Find an object of similar length and weight. Talk about their findings.
• Choose and use, with guidance, non-standard units to measure length and weight. Talk
about their work.

Literacy - January - February 2025


Talking and Listening:

Attention Skills
• Listening to a wide range of stories, poems, songs and music.
• Following instructions.
• Identifying environmental sounds.
• Repeating familiar phrases/sound sequences.

Phonological Awareness
• Identifying and manipulating phonemes.
• Identifying words in phrases and sentences.

Social Use of Language
• Talking with adults and other pupils.
• Initiating and joining in conversations.
• Working in different groupings.

Language and Thinking.
• Naming, describing and sequencing.
• Sharing their thoughts, feelings and ideas with different audiences.
• Taking part/contributing to group oral language activities such as Attention Autism.

Extended Vocabulary
• Listening and responding to adults and peers.
• Attend Attention Autism sessions that introduce or generate vocabulary.

• Listen to a range of stories, poems and non-fiction texts.
• Read with some independence.
• Use word structure to develop reading.
• Share a range of books with adults/other pupils;
• Sequence stories in reasonable detail using appropriate language.

• Distinguish between drawing and writing.
• Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings.
• Use ICT to present and communicate their ideas.

World Around Us - January - February 2025

World Around Us- On the farm

History: Technological change. Farmers used horses in the past, but now they use tractors
and modern-day machinery.

Science and Technology: Farm animal lifecycles and the terminology for male and female
animals and their offspring. For example, a female pig is a sow; a male is a boar and babies
are known as piglets.

Learning what each animal is being raised on a farm for. For example, a sheep provides wool.
A cow provides milk. A hen lays eggs.

Geography: Habitats- Where animals live on the farm. Ducks live in water; horses live in
stables; pigs live in styes...etc


Contact Details

Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE

T: 028 8772 2250


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