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Dungannon Primary School


Welcome to Miss Campbell's ASC Class!


Numeracy - January - February 2025


NumberExperience mathematical activities;

Experience daily routines and work systems;

encounter a variety of mathematical objects/pictures/symbols;

Respond to mathematical apps/computer programs;

To engage with and develop one to one correspondence and know the last number shows the whole set.

To add and subtract numbers using objects, number lines or grids.

To count in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.

To begin to understand multiplication and division.


• Experience/encounter, respond, engage and develop an understanding of the language associated with weight, for example heavy and light;

experience/encounter, respond, engage and develop an understanding of the language associated with size for example tall and short;

Shape and Space/data Handling

Experience, respond to or complete shape inset puzzles.

Experience/encounter, copy and make patterns;

To experience, respond, engage and imitate sorting collections

To experience, respond and develop an understanding of positional language

Literacy - January - February 2025



Sounds write Unit 5-extended code

Reading Harberton Level 3, 4 and 5

Reading and writing HFW words

Shared reading of Traditional tales and non-fiction books on materials

To listen with enjoyment and respond to stories and rhymes.

To be able to sequence a set of three or more pictures.

Blend sounds to make words.

To match/read words and sentences.

To respond to and answer simple questions on a text.

Talk and Listening

Experience and show interest in an interaction with an adult/peer;

Experience and respond to sensory stimulation; •

Experience/encounter and respond to a range of language and vocabulary

Experience and respond to stories, pictures, objects and texts.

Experience and respond to multi-sensory writing activities and recordings

Develop active listening skills.

Listen carefully and recognise familiar sounds inside and outside.

Follow instructions and recognise objects that are the same.

To learn new core words by pointing, signing and/or speaking.


Develop a comfortable grip.

To find the odd picture out.

To recognise and trace my name.

Segment sounds in words-

To write labels, lists and captions.

To write dictated sentences.

World Around Us - January - February 2025


This term our topic is ‘Traditional Tales.’

Some of the activities we will be involved in are:

· Pupils will explore and experience different Traditional Tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, The 3 Billy Goats Gruff and Hansel and Gretel and focus on new language and vocabulary.

· Roleplay area will have different castles and small world people for Playful learning.

· Pupils will explore, experience and engage with different materials.

· They will explore, experience and engage with building bridges in different materials.


Fine Motor Skills

Some of the activities we will be involved in are:

· Taking part in dough disco activities focusing on rolling, squeezing, pinching and prodding.

· Manipulating playdoh. Making objects for different characters.

· Using different equipment such as a knife, spoon and fork during weekly cooking sessions to spread, cut and mix.

· Engage in sensory play through Traditional Tales learning.

· Make bird feeders with pipe cleaners and cheerios


Contact Details

Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE

T: 028 8772 2250


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