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Dungannon Primary School


Welcome to Mrs Clayton's and Miss Wilson's LSC Class.




Numeracy - January - February 2025


• Compare two objects of different length and weight.
• Understand and use the language of comparison, for example, longer/shorter,
• Order three objects of different length and weight. Talk about the ordering using
appropriate language.
• Find an object of similar length and weight. Talk about their findings.
• Choose and use, with guidance, non-standard units to measure length and weight. Talk
about their work.

Literacy - January - February 2025


Talking and Listening:

Attention Skills
• Listening to a wide range of stories, poems, songs and music.
• Following instructions.
• Identifying environmental sounds.
• Repeating familiar phrases/sound sequences.

Phonological Awareness
• Identifying and manipulating phonemes.
• Identifying words in phrases and sentences.

Social Use of Language
• Talking with adults and other pupils.
• Initiating and joining in conversations.
• Working in different groupings.

Language and Thinking.
• Naming, describing and sequencing.
• Sharing their thoughts, feelings and ideas with different audiences.
• Taking part/contributing to group oral language activities such as Attention Autism.

Extended Vocabulary
• Listening and responding to adults and peers.
• Attend Attention Autism sessions that introduce or generate vocabulary.

• Listen to a range of stories, poems and non-fiction texts.
• Read with some independence.
• Use word structure to develop reading.
• Share a range of books with adults/other pupils;
• Sequence stories in reasonable detail using appropriate language.

• Distinguish between drawing and writing.
• Talk about the ideas represented in their drawings.
• Use ICT to present and communicate their ideas.

World Around Us - January - February 2025

World Around Us- On the farm

History: Technological change. Farmers used horses in the past, but now they use tractors
and modern-day machinery.

Science and Technology: Farm animal lifecycles and the terminology for male and female
animals and their offspring. For example, a female pig is a sow; a male is a boar and babies
are known as piglets.

Learning what each animal is being raised on a farm for. For example, a sheep provides wool.
A cow provides milk. A hen lays eggs.

Geography: Habitats- Where animals live on the farm. Ducks live in water; horses live in
stables; pigs live in styes...etc


Contact Details

Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE

T: 028 8772 2250


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