Primary 6/7 FK
Welcome to Mr Kelly's Primary 6/7 Class!
Literacy - January - February 2025
Language & Literacy
Talking and Listening
· Investigate how talk varies depending on context, e.g. age, gender, purpose, familiarity.
· Make decisions and examine options, weigh up pros and cons and show whether they agree or disagree.
· Understand and learn to respond to feedback.
· Identify the main points made by each speaker.
· Understand more than one point of view.
Reading (At appropriately differentiated levels)
· Know the term ‘genre’ and understand that there is a range of genre within fiction.
· Know and understand the main features of science fiction/fantasy.
· Understand how writers create imaginary worlds, such as a science fiction setting and show how the writer has constructed it through detail.
· Understand how settings influence events and incidents in stories and how they affect characters’ behaviour.
· compare and contrast settings across a range of stories; evaluate, form and justify preferences.
Writing (At appropriately differentiated levels)
· develop and refine ideas in writing using planning and problem solving strategies in guided and independent work
· communicate meaning with some clarity, showing a sense of structure and organisation.
· organise texts into paragraphs.
· use settings and characterisation to engage readers’ interest.
· use adjectives and figurative language to describe settings and characters effectively.
World Around Us - January - February 2025
World Around Us (Topic Work) - Our topic is The Vikings
· Labelling countries and capital cities in the Scandinavian countries
· Comparing physical features.
· Labelling major rivers and seas
· We will be learning about The Vikings.
· Learn about Lindisfarne Raid
· Explore Viking and Anglo-Saxon Kings
· Learn all about Danelaw and Danegeld
· Comparisons Then and Now with Crime and Punishment, Medicines and Houses
· Design a longship
· Learn all about the different Gods the Vikings worshipped.
· Life Cycles
· Reversible and Irreversible changes.
· Changes of state.
Numeracy - January - February 2025
· Order sets of mixed numbers increasing and decreasing.
· Order a set of consecutive 1 d.p. numbers (increasing and decreasing) within 99 999.
· Order a set of non-consecutive 1 d.p. numbers (increasing and decreasing) within 99 999.
· Understand concept of percentage as “out of 100”.
· Develop a standard written method for vertical addition 10th Th H T U (no exchange, then with exchange), estimating the answer before calculating.
· Mentally add two 3 digit multiples of 10, without bridging the hundred.
· Mentally add a single digit to a 1dp decimal number.
· Add mixed numbers whose fractional parts have the same denominator.
· Develop a standard written method for vertical subtraction 10th Th H T U (no exchange, then with exchange), estimating the answer before calculating.
· Subtract mixed numbers whose fractional parts have the same denominator.
· Mentally subtract a single digit to/from a 1dp decimal number.
· Mentally find the difference between two 3 digit numbers which are close.
· Convert between all metric units of length, involving up to 1 d.p.
· Convert between all metric units of weight, involving up to 1 d.p.
· Convert between all metric units of capacity, involving up to 1 d.p.
· Identify an unknown 3D shape, given information regarding its properties: number and relative lengths of edges, number and shape of faces and number of vertices.
· Reflect shapes and designs about two lines of symmetry: horizontal and vertical.
Data Handling
· Interpret composite bar charts, which show more than one type of data on the same chart.
· Construct, use and interpret bar-line graphs.
· Recognise the need to group data.
· Record data in tables with given class intervals.
Mental Maths
· Mentally subtract a single digit to/from a 1dp decimal number.
· Mentally find the difference between two 3 digit numbers which are close.
· Mentally add a single digit to a 1dp decimal number.

Contact Details
Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE
T: 028 8772 2250