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Dungannon Primary School

Primary 3/4 CK

Welcome to Mrs Kennedy's P3/4 Class!





Numeracy - September - October 2024


Number – Read and write numbers 0-20/some children to 50

Identify one more and one less

Count and write numbers to 20/some children to 50

Order 1st to 20th/50th

Make addition and subtraction number sentences using a range of strategies

Recall addition and subtraction facts to 10

Recall doubles to 5+5

Add numbers in any order

Find the difference between two numbers

Solve missing number problems

Solve simple addition and subtractions problems

Count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s

Share into equal groups

Recall addition and subtraction facts to 15

Use coins to pay for items

Show different ways of making the same value

Recognise and understand the value of different coins

Solve problems involving money


Shape and Space -

Recognise circle, triangles, squares and rectangles

Recognise and draw rectangles and squares

Use position words including ‘up’, ‘down’ and ‘right’

Recognise whole and half turns

Find half of a shape and half of a group of objects



Talk about and compare lengths and heights

Use a ruler to measure lengths, widths and heights


Number – 

- Know and understand the value of 2 digit numbers

- Understand what 3 digit numbers represent in relation to numbers bigger than 100

- Add two numbers in any order

- Recall and use addition and subtractions facts to 20

- Use patterns of similar calculations

- Add and subtract a one digit number from a multiple of 10

- Count in steps of 2, 5 and 10 and associated multiplication and division strategies

- Recognising, colouring and writing the following fractions of shapes – ½ ¼ 2/4 ¾

- Find half and one or three quarters of an amount

Shape & Space

- Name & describe a range of 2D shapes and sort them by comparing them

- Find lines of symmetry in 2D shapes

- Draw common 2D shapes using a ruler

- Create and continue patterns and sequences using 2D shapes and their properties

- Follow directions using north, south, east and west

- Find the position of a square on a grid of squares


- Measure and compare lengths

- Tell and write the time quarter past and quarter to the hour

- Read and draw to show the time to five minutes


· A mixture of Data Handling tasks throughout other areas

Literacy - September - October 2024


Talking & Listening

Listen to and follow instructions

Recall main events

Ask and answer questions

Sustain attentive listening


Use pictures to tell a story

Demonstrate reading behaviour when handling books

Track text in the right order

Understand that words need to be read from left to right to make sense

Discriminate between similar/dissimilar pictures, shapes, symbols and letters

Blend sounds to read words

Learn a range of high frequency (often used and seen), sight words



Understand the link between written and spoken words

Understand how writing is formed directionally, a word at a time

Understand how letters are formed and used to spell words

Use knowledge of sounds to attempt to write words independently

Write labels or captions for pictures and drawings

Write sentences to match pictures or a sequence of pictures

Use capital letters for writing own name and beginning of sentences

Recognise and locate capital letters when reading



Read and write a range of high frequency (often used) words in a variety of contexts


Talking & Listening -

Listen with sustained concentration to other children and adults

Listen to and follow instructions accurately

Summarise in own words the main idea


Read familiar, simple stories and poems independently

Know and understand the terms ‘story/narrative’, ‘characters’ and ‘setting’

Know how to make predictions showing an understanding of ideas, events and characters

Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction texts


Use a range of vocabulary in their writing

Use phonological and graphic knowledge and sight vocabulary when spelling during shared, guided and independent work

Create short simple texts on paper and on screen

Write captions for their own work

Show evidence of structure in simple instructions

Write lower and upper case letters using the correct sequence of movements

Write with spaces between words

Recongise full stops and capital letters when reading and name them correctly

Understand and identify what a sentence is and how to best present it


Blending sounds orally to make words

Hear and say sounds in words in the order in which they occur

World Around Us - September - October 2024

Our topic during the first half term is ‘Happy, Healthy Me!’

Children will find out about keeping their minds and bodies healthy and happy through a range of practical and written activities.

They will also carry out some science activities relating to how the human body is made up and works.

They will experience the role play area of “The Doctor’s Surgery”

They will become familiar with bodily related terms through a range of written and practical activities.

They will create a Human Body Rap as part of their learning in music.

Art activities will relate to studying and representing fruit and vegetables through a range of mediums.


Our topic during the second half term is ‘Polar Lands’. The children will learn map skills including continents, oceans, North and South Pole as well as animals found in these areas.

Some activities we will be involved in include:

· Designing a base camp

· Making an igloo

· How to stay warm in extreme cold.

· The life of penguins and polar bears.

· Aurora Art


Contact Details

Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE

T: 028 8772 2250


preparing children enriching community shaping future