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Dungannon Primary School


11th Sep 2024

Every Wednesday for the next six weeks P4 will be going to Forest Schools with Miss Hull, Mrs McKane and Mrs Gilpin.

On our first week we learnt all about our forest school rules such as our boundary signs and the important whistle signals. We then had a group task to complete. This week we searched for items from the forest that had a variation of different shades of green from light green to very dark.

Week 2- This week Miss Hull tested to see if we could remember our whistle signals and set us a quick task, then she challenged us to collect materials from the forest school area that we could use to write our names. It was great fun, some of us were lucky as we had short names but we all worked together as a team to help others with longer names finish up the challenge. Have a look at our photos, can you read some of the names in P.4?

Week 3- This week we worked on observational skills. There were two teams we had to cover the forest school area with red and green woolly worms. They could be placed down low or up high. The other team had to use their skills of observation to find all the worms and return them. We also enjoyed a warm up where we had to find objects of different lengths. 

Week 4- This week we worked in a team to find many different kinds of leaves. We had to use an identification key and gather as many of the leaves on our chart. There was some very good teamwork displayed and we used our organisational skills to assign jobs to ensure we were successful.

Week 5- This week our activity was linked to our WAU topic. We had to gather materials to build a house in Pudding Lane. We had to make sure we had walls, a roof, a door, at least one window and finally a chimney. We had to work as a team and build a row of houses close together like the streets of 1666. We all worked well but the P4 Jellyfish table really impressed Miss Hull today.

Week 6 - This was our final week today and Miss Hull got a rest and was able to watch all the boys and girls enjoy forest schools as Mrs McKane was given the challenge of taking the lesson. Today we went back to 1666 and had to build a shelter just like they did when the people of London had no homes. We used canes, blue plastic sheets and pegs. We had to make sure our shelter was protective and cosy so we added a fire to warm our hands. We thoroughly enjoyed our forest schools experience and again the jelly fish table were the best group to work as a team. 


Contact Details

Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE

T: 028 8772 2250


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