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Dungannon Primary School
ETI May 2024: In Dungannon Primary School the children learn successfully and happily within a multi-cultural, inclusive, enriching environment where everyone is valued and respected. The school is an ambassador of diversity and is an excellent example of how difference is celebrated as an enabler of success, with no limitations.
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Welcome to Miss Campbell's ASC Class!


Numeracy - September - October 2024


Experience and respond to a range of number rhymes, songs and activities.

Experience mathematical activities;

Experience daily routines and work systems;

To respond and begin to count orally during number rhymes.

Respond to mathematical apps/computer programs;

To engage with and develop one to one correspondence and know the last number shows the whole set.

Read and write numbers up to 50 in numerals and words.

Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number up to 50.

To order and compare numbers.

To add and subtract numbers using objects, number lines or grids.

Experience, respond to or complete shape inset puzzles.

Experience/encounter, copy and make patterns;

To match and talk about shapes in the environment.

To experience and name common 2D and 3D shapes.

To experience begin to use language to describe a common 2D shape.

Literacy - September - October 2024



Experience and show interest in an interaction with an adult/peer;

Experience and respond to sensory stimulation; •

Experience/encounter and respond to a range of language and vocabulary

Experience and respond to stories, pictures, objects and texts.

Experience and respond to multi-sensory writing activities and recordings

Develop active listening skills.

Develop a comfortable grip.

Follow instructions and recognise objects that are the same.

Listen carefully and recognise familiar sounds inside and outside.

To listen with enjoyment and respond to stories and rhymes.

To find the odd picture out.

To recognise and trace my name.

To be able to sequence a set of three or more pictures.

Blend sounds to make words.

Segment sounds in words.

To match/read words and sentences.

To answer simple questions on a text.

To write labels, lists and captions.

World Around Us - September - October 2024

This term our topic is ‘Me in my world.’

Some of the activities we will be involved in are:

· Matching, naming, labelling and finding out about parts of the body and face

and what their functions are.

· Exploring and celebrating how we are all different

· Talking and sequencing their personal history from a baby to the present day

· Activities related to keeping healthy/healthy routines

· Exploring and finding out where we live

· Exploring ways of travelling from home to school

· Exploring our five senses

· Naming parts of the house

· Building houses


Fine Motor Skills

Some of the activities we will be involved in are:

· Taking part in dough disco activities focusing on rolling, squeezing, pinching and prodding.

· Using a spoon to move dried pasta and beans to and from different containers.

· Manipulating playdoh.

· Threading different objects onto dried spaghetti/string

· Using a hole punch to make holes in leaves, paper, card etc.

· Using flour and sand on a tray and with your finger, a feather or spoon to make patterns, letters, numbers or shapes.

· Using different equipment such as a knife, spoon and fork during weekly cooking sessions to spread, cut and mix.

· Engage in sensory play.


Contact Details

Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE

T: 028 8772 2250


preparing children enriching community shaping future