Primary 5 AO'N
Numeracy - January - February 2025
Using Mathematics
· Squared numbers- recall multiplication facts to 12x12 and related division facts.
· Multiplication facts using partitioning including grid method and expanded written method.
· Converting units of time between both analogue and digital clocks.
· Order and comparing numbers beyond 1000 and use these to solve number and practical problems.
· Count backwards through 0 to include negative numbers.
· Mental methods for subtraction up to 4-digit numbers.
· Identify acute and obtuse angles in 2-D shapes.
· Be able to count in multiples of 25, 100, 1000.
Literacy - January - February 2025
Talking and Listening
· Speak clearly and coherently to a wide range of audiences for a variety of purposes.
· Adapt behaviour and language to suit different situations and contexts.
· Offer reasons and evidence for their views, considering alternative opinions.
· Use and explore different question types - to clarify, to plan and to set goals.
· Use expressive language and plan their work using detail and cohesive notes.
· Understand how the fiction genre determines settings and characters.
· Develop their vocabulary by challenging themselves with personal reading and AR challenges.
· Talk about and plan their writing with teacher and/or peers.
· Explore how to write an explanation of a process.
· Look at the structure of an explanation text.
· Use chronological connectives.
· Talk about and plan the explanation.
· Explore how to write a poem about an imagined world by looking at poems with a fantasy setting, using similes in their writing and understand the importance of style and structure in a poem.
World Around Us - January - February 2025
Our topic for term two is ‘Ancient Egyptians’. As part of this topic and to aid further understanding, P5 pupils will travel to the Ulster Museum, Belfast to visit the Ancient Egyptian exhibition.
Using ICT
· Explore: find, select and use information from a given digital source.
· Express: create and edit text onscreen, combining images and/or sound.
· Exchange: Use a contemporary digital method to communicate or contribute to a supervised online activity.
· Evaluate: Talk about how to improve their work
· Exhibit: Save their work.
About the location, size, shape and use of common landscape features (P, I, COT)
To recognise places and features, local and global, on a plan, map or photograph (P)
To use standard references e.g. Globe, Atlas (P)
To identify characteristics of a specific time period e.g. changes in transport/communications/ inventions (I, COT)
To investigate how people used to live, including roles and responsibilities in society, and how these have changed (I, COT)
· To recognise that local/global events in the past have helped shape who we are and how we live today (I & P)
· Identify some buildings which have been used for different purposes in the past (P, COT)
Science and Technology
· Understand body measurement data and how to interpret it.
· Explore the process of mummification.
· Understand how the human heart rate works.
· The pupils will use junk material to make a homemade stethoscope to listen to each other’s heart rate. Count beats per minute and record.
· Understand how heart rate is affected by exercise.

Contact Details
Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE
T: 028 8772 2250