Primary 1 LL
Welcome to Miss Leitch's Primary One!
A little note to remind all parents –
- Our PE day is Wednesday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on this day.
- No earrings are to be worn to school after the first six weeks of piercing.
- Some children are finding it difficult to take off jumpers or coats and put these on again. Please practice this at home as we have been trying to do this independently in class and your support would be so appreciated.
- If you have not sent in a pair of wellington boots for outdoor play can you please do this as soon as possible.
- Please remember to send in a small healthy snack for break e.g. pancakes, sandwiches, fruit, cheese or yoghurt No chocolate, sweets, buns, fizzy drinks or crisps please.
- Our outdoor learning days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days.
Numeracy - January - February 2025
Mathematics & Numeracy – In this half term we will be studying:
· Recognise and use 1p and £1 coins in the farm shop to buy one thing at a time, with no change.
· Touch count sets within 10 and understand zero means none.
· Reading and writing numbers to 10 and matching numbers to sets and be able to order these numbers.
· Compare the size of two sets by matching and counting within 10 and saying which has less and which has more.
· Identifying the missing numbers in a sequence to 10.
· Combine sets to find a total within 10.
· Compare and talk about the length, weight and capacity of two objects/ containers and be able to use balance scales.
· Talk about and sequence up to three events.
· Understand the concept of area as the idea of covering a surface.
Shape & Space
· Sort 2d and 3d shapes and talk about why you have sorted them in that way, e.g the number of sides.
· Continue simple patterns.
· Follow instructions.
Handling Data
· Use mapping diagrams to show the relationships between two sets of objects.
Literacy - January - February 2025
- Language & Literacy
Talking and Listening
· Speaking clearly and audibly, with confidence.
· Be able to use props such as puppets, toys or story sacks when talking to the rest of the class.
· Ask and answer questions and recall the main events in a story.
· Writing labels or captions for pictures or drawings.
· Think about, discuss and rehearse what they intend to write, ahead of writing it.
· Select appropriate tools for a range of writing purposes.
· Be able to form and recognise the sounds p,i,n,m,d,g,o and use these to write words.
· Be able to read words printed or handwritten in a variety of settings and locate full stops and capital letters.
· Use a variety of sources of information when reading and re-read familiar texts.
· Be able to talk about the main characters and the setting of a story.
Phonological Awareness
· Read a range of high frequency words in a variety of contexts.
· Blend sounds to write and read cvc words, e.g mum, cat, dog.
· Know that letter names are not the same as letter sounds.
World Around Us - January - February 2025
World Around Us (Topic Work) - Our topic this half term is ‘Food and farming’.
We will be:
· Learning to recognise some of the jobs carried out in our community, e.g farmer, vet, dietician.
· Discovering how weather conditions affect people and animals throughout the year.
· Finding out about farming in the past through stories and memories.
· Learning the names of farm animals (baby names also) and plants.
· Finding out what produce we get from a sheep and a cow.

Contact Details
Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE
T: 028 8772 2250