Primary 2 NH
Welcome to Mrs Hunter's Primary Two Class!
Numeracy - January - February 2025
Mathematics & Numeracy – During Term 2
We will be learning to: Understand and use mathematical language when talking about their work. Solve everyday problems in the classroom. Recognise simple patterns and say what comes next.
· Count forwards and backwards in 2’s from odd and even numbers within 20.
· Know the number “before”, “between” and “after” within 20.
· Practically subtract an amount from a set, within 20, as “take away”, “subtract” or “finding the difference”.
· Use number line to count on for addition within 20, recording calculations horizontally.
· Know doubles to 5 + 5.
· Exchange higher value coins (up to 10p) for 1p’s.
· Calculate change required when buying items from 5p and then from 10p.
· Understand and use analogue time: o’clock only.
· Understand and use digital time: o’clock only.
Shape and Space
· Recognise and describe turning movements using appropriate terms (e.g. left, right, turn towards / away from)
Handling Data
· Use given one criterion Carroll Diagrams to sort for negation, explaining completed diagram (e.g. stating how many animals did not have 4 legs).
Literacy - January - February 2025
Language & Literacy – During Term 2
Talking and Listening
· Recite poems and rhymes with some variety in pace, emphasis and intonation.
· Use different voices for characters when reading aloud.
· Learn about rhyme by exploring patterns orally, substituting words and phrases extending patterns and playing with rhymes.
· Know the terms ‘fiction’ and ‘non-fiction’, noting some of their different features e.g. layout, titles, contents page, use of pictures, labelled diagrams etc.
Sentence Construction & Punctuation:
· Use the term ‘sentence’ appropriately to identify sentences in a text, i.e. those demarcated by capital letters and full-stops.
· Use features of punctuation to read in a phrased and fluent manner.
Phonics & Spelling:
· Sounds~Write: New sounds <ck> <sh> <ch> <tch> <th> <wh> <ng> <qu> where 2 letters represent 1 sound.
· Rhyming cvcc and ccvc words and high frequency words.
· Write lower and upper case letters using the correct sequence of movements, ensuring the correct letter orientation. Begin to write on lined paper. Writing:
· Use phonological and graphic knowledge and sight vocabulary when spelling during writing tasks.
World Around Us - January - February 2025
World Around Us - Our topic this term will be ‘Space Explorers’.
Some of the activities we will be involved in are:
· Find out about the planets and the solar system.
· Investigate journeys into space.
· Compare and contrast day and night.
· Explore the phases of the moon.
· Design and make a space buggy.
· Identify light sources and investigate how to make shadows.
· Explore push and pull forces through scientific investigations.
Explore: Use ‘Scratch Jr’ to explore and interact with a digital device.
Express: Use microphone button to record and play back our own voice.
Exchange: Discuss how we communicate with people across the world through the use of phone (calls and messages)
Evaluate: Talk about their work. E.g. talk to the teacher about the picture they created on ‘Scratch Jr’
Exhibit: Show our ‘Scratch Jr’ projects to our classmates.

Contact Details
Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE
T: 028 8772 2250