Primary 1 LL
Welcome to Miss Leitch's Primary One!
A little note to remind all parents –
- Our PE day is Wednesday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on this day.
- No earrings are to be worn to school after the first six weeks of piercing.
- Some children are finding it difficult to take off jumpers or coats and put these on again. Please practice this at home as we have been trying to do this independently in class and your support would be so appreciated.
- If you have not sent in a pair of wellington boots for outdoor play can you please do this as soon as possible.
- Please remember to send in a small healthy snack for break e.g. pancakes, sandwiches, fruit, cheese or yoghurt No chocolate, sweets, buns, fizzy drinks or crisps please.
- Our outdoor learning days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days.
Numeracy - November - December 2024
- Sorting coins.
- Touch count sets to 7.
- Reading numbers to 7 and matching numbers to sets.
- Writing the numbers to 7 correctly.
- Identifying the missing numbers in a sequence (ascending and descending).
- Order numbers from 0-7 and 7-0.
- Understand and use the language associated with weight.
- Understand and use the language associated with capacity.
Shape &Space
- Recognise, talk about and use shapes such as square, circle, triangle, rectangle, oval and star.
Handling Data
- Sort collections of materials for one property.
Mental Maths
- Counting forward from one, within five.
- Count forward from different starting points.
Literacy - November - December 2024
Talking and Listening
- Join in with repetitive refrains and rhymes.
- Listen to and follow instructions.
- Take turns in conversations and discussions.
- Writing their name using the correct formation.
- Understanding how writing is formed from left to right, a word at a time and how letters are formed.
- Knowing that print carries meaning and in English is read from left to right and top to bottom.
- Distinguish between writing and drawing.
- Using pictures to tell a story.
- Understand that words can be written down and read again for different purposes.
- Track the text in the correct order.
- Make one to one correspondences between written and spoken words.
- Learning the skills of blending, segmenting and phoneme manipulation using sounds ‘v, k, l, r, u, j, w, z, x and y’.
World Around Us - November - December 2024
World Around Us (Topic Work) -
Our topic this half term is ‘Brilliant Bears’. We will be:
- making porridge and sequencing the steps involved in making this.
- Looking at real bears both old and new and discussing similarities and differences.
- Measuring bears.
- Discovering the types of real bears that live in cold and warm places.
- Complete science experiments to explore how polar bears stay warm and what happens to gummy bears in water.
Contact Details
Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE
T: 028 8772 2250