Literacy - January - March 2025
Language & Literacy – During Term 2
Talking & Listening
· Developing active listening skills in all areas of learning
· Expressing thoughts, feelings and opinions in response to traditional stories.
· Retelling traditional stories using the conventions of TS language
· Participating in drama activities linked to traditional stories
Reading (At appropriately differentiated levels)
· Reading dialogue in traditional stories
· Using the punctuation when reading dialogue
· Recognising and reading HFW quickly in context
· Comparing and contrasting settings and characters in traditional stories.
· Developing comprehension skills – literal and inferential (including prediction)
Writing (At appropriately differentiated levels)
· Spelling: segmenting and blending phonemes to build words, working on the concepts that: two/three/four letters can show one sound.
· We will continue to work on developing sentence structure and punctuation.
· Examples of writing tasks will include:
o Retelling/sequencing traditional stories (use of past tense)
o Writing dialogue in speech bubbles
o Writing descriptions of traditional story characters
o Writing a letter, linked to our traditional stories topic
World Around Us - January - March 2025
World Around Us (Topic Work) –
This term our topic is Materials
Our topics this half term will be ‘Traditional Stories and Materials.’ This topic will have cross curricular links to Geography, Science, History, Art, Literacy, Music, P.E and Numeracy.
Some of the activities we will be involved in are:
· Design a waterproof hood for Little Red Riding Hood
· Design a load-bearing bridge.
· Make strong concrete for the three little wolves.
Drama activities (e.g. hot seating) with characters from Traditional Stories and participation in the Dungannon Speech and Drama Festival.
Weaving with different materials
· Begin to recognise and use simple graphic notation
· Learn to play glockenspiel/Junior Choir
P.E: Gymnastics and Irish Football Association (multisports)
R.E: The childhood of Jesus and stories about Jesus’s ministry.
P.D.M.U: families, relationships and understanding empathy
I.C.T: Programming with Scratch Junior, Word Processing - Designing an invitation for Cinderella's party and iMovie
Numeracy - January - March 2025
Mathematics & Numeracy - During Term 2 we will be studying:
· Reading, writing and ordering numbers within 100
· Place value work using Base 10 materials
· Adding and subtracting ten(s) using number grids
· Adding amounts of money
· Calculating change from 20p/30p/40p
· Problem solving (including money) involving the operations of addition and subtraction
· Sequencing the days of the week, months of the year and seasons
· Using suitable non-standard units to estimate, then measure and compare the length of objects
· Using suitable non-standard units to estimate, then measure the capacity of a container
· Be able to read and match analogue and digital times - o'clock and half past
· Find durations of time - one and two hours
Handling Data
· Sorting for two criteria using a Venn diagram
· Organise the recording of data in tables and display information using pictographs and block graphs
Shape and Space
· Describing the properties of known 2D shapes using appropriate mathematical language
· Using the mathematical names and describing the properties of a range of 3D shapes using appropriate mathematical language
· Follow and give instructions for movement involving distances and turning movements using terms "forward", "backwards" "left" "right" "clockwise" and "anti-clockwise"
Mental Maths
· Components of 10
· Doubles and halves
· Near doubles
· Add and subtract ten

Contact Details
Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE
T: 028 8772 2250