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Dungannon Primary School

Primary 6 SA

Welcome to Mrs Alexander's Primary 6 class.




Numeracy - January - February 2025

Mathematics & Numeracy – In this half term we will be studying:


- Multiply any whole number by 100, answers within 99 999.

- Multiply any 2 or 3 -digit whole number by a multiple of 10, (e.g. 37 x 30, using partitioning strategy to multiply by 3 then by 10)

- Mentally multiply any whole number by 10, answers within 99 999.

- Divide any multiple of 100 within 99 999 by 100, using concept that digits move two place to the right, as the value of each digit becomes 100 times smaller.

- Mentally divide any multiple of 10, within 99 999, by 10.

- Solve a range of multiplication and division problems, using both written and mental methods, selecting the operation required.

- Calculate in the context of money, using all 4 operations- written, mental and calculator methods e.g. working out the cost of a meal for 4 people, then splitting the total cost equally between them.

- Understand concept of percentage as “out of 100”.



- Convert between all metric units of length, involving up to 1 d.p.



- Convert between all metric units of weight, involving up to 1 d.p.

- Convert between all metric units of capacity, involving up to 1 d.p.

- Develop a formula for calculating the area of squares and rectangles, based upon the length of each row (or column) and the number of rows (or columns) of squares.

- Estimate and measure volume of cubes and cuboids by filling with cubes.


Shape & Space

- Identify an unknown 3D shape, given information regarding its properties: number and relative lengths of edges, number and shape of faces and number of vertices.

- Reflect shapes and designs about two lines of symmetry: horizontal and vertical.

- Visualise the 3D shape which would result from particular nets.


Data Handling

- Interpret composite bar charts, which show more than one type of data on the same chart.

- Construct, use and interpret bar-line graphs.

- Recognise the need to group data.


Mental Maths

- Count forwards and backwards in tenths from different starting numbers.

- Order a set of consecutive numbers (increasing and decreasing) within 99 999.

- Order a set of non-consecutive numbers (increasing and decreasing) within 99 999.

- Demonstrate value of digits in any number within 99 999 in terms of ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and ones (units).

- Understand the use of 0 as a place holder.

- Round numbers within 99 999 to the nearest 10 000, nearest 1000, nearest 100 and nearest 10.

Literacy - January - February 2025

Language & Literacy – In this half term we will be studying:


Talking and Listening

· Speak clearly and coherently to a wide range of audiences for a variety of purposes

· Use and explore different question types - to clarify, to plan and to set goals


Reading (At appropriately differentiated levels)

- Understand the features of myths, legends and fables as fiction genre

- Distinguish between the author and the narrator, investigating narrative viewpoint and the treatment of different characters, e.g. minor characters, heroes, villains and perspectives on the action from different characters

- Understand the similarities and differences between oral and written story telling

- Know and understand terms which describe different kinds of poems, e.g. ballad, sonnet, rap, elegy, narrative poem and to identify typical features;

- Understand the difference between literal and figurative language, e.g. through discussing the effects of imagery in poetry and prose

Writing (At appropriately differentiated levels)

- Talk about and plan their writing with teacher and/or peers

- Write own versions of legends, myths and fables, using structures and themes identified in reading

- Use the structures of poems read to write extensions based on these, e.g. additional verses, or substituting own words and ideas

- Compile a class anthology of favourite poems with commentaries which illuminate the choice

- Write metaphors from original ideas or from similes

- Review and edit writing to produce a final form, matched to the needs of an identified reader

World Around Us - January - February 2025

World Around Us. Our topic this term is The Vikings.


· Labelling countries and capital cities in the Scandinavian countries.

Mapping the journey the Vikings took to reach The British Isles.

· Comparing physical features.

· Labelling major rivers and seas


· Explore what foods the Vikings ate·

· Explore Viking and Anglo-Saxon Kings

· Learn all about Danelaw and Danegeld

· Comparisons Then and Now with Crime and Punishment, Medicines and Houses

· Design and make a longship

· Learn all about the different Gods the Vikings worshipped.


· Carry out experiments to find out how the Vikings kept warm

· Reversible and Irreversible changes.

· Changes of state – learn how the Vikings made butter using milk.

Investigate how the Vikings preserved food.


Contact Details

Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE

T: 028 8772 2250


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