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Dungannon Primary School

Primary 7 EB

Welcome to Mrs Bloomer's Primary 7 Class!


Numeracy - January - February 2025

  • Mathematics & Numeracy – In this half term we will be studying:


    · Use negative numbers in context, and calculate intervals across zero

    · Perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers

    · Understand the order of operations and use the BODMAS rule to carry out calculations involving the four operations and brackets

    · Practise addition and subtraction for larger numbers, including both mental and written methods

    · Make a reasonable estimate of the answer to a calculation and use this to check the answer

    · Use a written method to calculate multiplication of HTO × TO

    · Use mental methods to multiply a number with up to two decimal places by a one-digit whole number, e.g. 0·4 × 2 and 0·06 × 6

    · Multiply one- or two-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by a one-digit whole number using a written method, e.g. 7·56 × 3 and 35·4 × 5

    · Recognise common factors and common multiples

    · Identify and create equivalent fractions

    · Add and subtract fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers

    · Divide proper fractions by whole numbers

    · Multiply simple pairs of proper fractions Simplify fractions by cancelling common factors


    · Convert from one unit of mass to another, using decimal notation up to three decimal places where appropriate

    · Calculate and convert between grams and kilograms to solve problems involving mass

    Shape & Space

    · Draw 2-D shapes using given dimensions and angles

    · Use measuring tools and conventional markings and labels for lines and angles

    · Use properties and sizes to compare and classify geometric shapes

    · Find unknown angles in triangles, quadrilaterals and regular polygons

    · Identify and name angles where they are vertically opposite

    · Identify and name angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line, or are vertically opposite

    · Find missing angles expressing relationships algebraically, e.g. a = 180 – (b + c)

Literacy - January - February 2025

  • Language & Literacy – In this half term we will be studying:


    · Different spellings of the sounds;/dd/ /oi/ ee/air/ou


    · ‘Active’ and ‘passive’ in relation to verbs

    · Know how to transform a sentence from active to passive and vice versa

    · Know and understand what a compound sentence is.

    · Investigate meanings and spelling of connectives.

    · Understand how words and expressions have changed over time.

    · Understand the relevance of the origins of proper names.


    · Know that information is presented to audiences through a variety of media, e.g. newspapers, magazines etc.

    · Understand how different media present information, ideas and events in different way.

    · Create newspaper reports


    · Guided reading throughout the week – reciprocal reading


    · Group discussion: plan and manage a group task, taking on responsibility for an appropriate task.

    · Drama: plan and create freeze frame scenes – related to WAU

World Around Us - January - February 2025

World Around Us (Topic Work) -

Our topic this term is ‘The Titanic’. Some of the activities we will be involved in include:

  • Complete KWL grid about ‘The Titanic’
  • Investigate reliable news sources/fake news – link in with Internet Safety.
  • Sequence events of the disaster.
  • Investigate who was on board the ship passengers and crew – link with Art
  • Plot the course of the Titanic – using maps to identify where it stopped compared and contrast with today.
  • Investigate the legacy of the Titanic disaster.
  • Investigate Buoyancy and properties of materials in relation to this.
  • ‘Container Challenge’ Investigate large cargo ships and how they float.
  • ‘Great Raft Challenge’
  • Creating travel posters.

Contact Details

Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE

T: 028 8772 2250


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