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Dungannon Primary School


4th Mar 2025
Some of the boys and girls from Mr Kelly's P6/7 class have been very busy this week getting our greenhouse and our lovely Garden to Grow all clean and tidy for the start of spring. On Friday 14th March the whole school will spend a couple of hours outdoors taking part in our BIG SPRING CLEAN, an annual event to give our outdoor areas a bit of a spruce up before growing season begins in earnest. We log this event on LIVE HERE, LOVE HERE and it helps ensure our whole school community make a pride in our place promise.

Mrs Millington's lovely ASC class will be making sure we have a well earned treat that day and keep our energy levels up as they are holding a charity bun sale to raise money for CHARIS a local charity that supports teenagers and young adults with special needs. So if everyone can bring £1 you will all be able to buy 2 homemade delicious buns on our special day. 

On behalf of our whole school can we say a big WELL DONE to our GREEN TEAM from P6/7 who completed a litter pick, cleared out our compost bins and even washed our pebbles from our sensory walk to make our garden a lovely place to visit again after the long winter months. 

Contact Details

Dungannon Primary School,
Circular Rd,
County Tyrone,
BT71 6BE

T: 028 8772 2250


preparing children enriching community shaping future